Digital Generation’s IgnITe Young Minds team is dedicated to ensuring our youth are ignited with education through technology. Digital learning and the right technology, in the hands of the youth can increase engagement, improve teaching skills, and better assess learning paths.

Today, technology is the gateway to information. Digital Generation want to ensure that the technology given, is technology that can last.

Interactive Learning :

Digital Generation partners with leading smart board manufactures to bring clients the best technology and platforms, that can better enable teaching and learning, both in and out the classroom.

BYOD and School/Institution Procurement :

As a metal tier partner to the leading OEM’s, Digital Generation is able to guide and advise on which technology is best suited to the learning environment. From notebooks, desktops, monitors, tablets and learning accessories such as noise cancelling headphones and online learning specific headsets ; we tailor a package that is suited to the way the school or institution teaches.

  • BYOD – Digital Generation’s Parent/Student Purchasing Programmes

This model is effective if the school or institution do not wish to procure devices themselves. Digital Generation can take over the ICT student requirement from end to end.

  • CAPEX and OPEX Procurement

When it comes to funding technology in education, we know that funding is not always readily available. With our tailor-made finance options, Digital Generation works with the Institution to ensure the focus on technology in the students hands, is in line with budget constraints and optimises operational expenses.

Digital Generation is one of the Top 21 Companies that feature at Schoolscape. 2021 has brought new challenges to school purchasing. To help schools, Schoolscape launched the Top 21 Companies they know can provide schools with incredible deals and the best delivery of the products and services.

Check our Digital Generation below:

Digital Generation is also a preferred supplier on School Advisor.

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